Top 5 Desktop Vaporizer Reviews for 2018

Desktop vaporizer reviews
You can certainly never run out of options if you are out to purchase a desktop vaporizer. However, your desire to enjoy top vape quality and feel the value of your money are things which you shouldn't take on a simple note. Many desktop vaporizer manufacturers often describe themselves as being the best and that is where the catch is especially if you want a performing desktop vaporizer. Still, there are exceptions. These desktop vaporizer reviews here have proven to be truly exceptional with regard to the quality of vape they give, their pricing aspect and their general perception among vape lovers.

Volcano Vaporizer

Volcano Vaporizer Guides
Volcano vaporizer, if not the best, then still it ranks among the best desktop vaporizers you can lay your hands on. There are two options to pick from if Volcano vaporizer interests you – Volcano Digital and Volcano Classic. The contrasts between the two Volcano vaporizer models are based on their price, vape refinement and temperature control. Volcano Classic is slightly older than Volcano Digital and costs about $200. Many consumers often opt for Volcano Digital because its temperature controls are well refined and has a positively perceived design. Volcano vaporizer enables automatic shut off, 104 – 446 degrees Fahrenheit temperature options, LED display, silencer and an air filtering functionality that gives incredibly wonderful vape quality.

Classic Volcano Vaporizer Tutorial

Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer Vaporizer Review
If you are searching for a desktop vaporizer that has an attractive design and functionality, you will surely be thrilled by what Silver Surfer vaporizer offers. It is made from wholly hand-blown glass and that aspect gives it a smooth touch which makes it incredibly nice to hold. The temperature control knobs, ceramic heating element and glass components ensure that the vape that rises from the vaporizer gets to be of the highest flavor and quality. Silver Surfer is one vaporizer that speaks of a sleek design which is hardly seen in many desktop vaporizer models. Besides, it is easy to clean, long-lasting and the sensational vape quality it gives is just amazing. Silver Surfer vaporizer has a reasonable price range of $265-$269, and that is good considering its attractive outlook and performance.

Silver Surfer Vaporizer Presentation

Da Buddha

Da Buddha vaporizer uniquely stands out for the quality of vape it gives – you can enjoy a sensational wonderful taste even if you only prefer to burn herbs on short-term intervals. The vaporizer comes with glass mouthpiece, a reasonably long tube whip and other features that enable it to give exceptionally tasty flavor. Though mid-priced (mostly it fetch for $185-$190), Da Buddha still gives a vape quality that matches what is offered by Volcano. The vaporizer features a variable control knob, convection heating mechanism and a carrying case. Da Buddha has an extra functionality edge in that it enable its users to burn oils as well concentrates through its E-Nail kit.

How to Use Da Buddha Vaporizer


Herbalizer is different from other desktop vaporizers gives its overall design which many vape lovers can find attractive owing to the uniqueness. It comes in a metallic color outer design which is smooth. Placing herb in the Herbalizer’s chamber and opening the lid can enable a room to be filled with intense and highly enticing vape aroma. The vaporizer can also remember your last vaping temperature and make it easy for you to resume vaping at that temperature setting which often gives the sensation you are after. You can use Herbalizer to vape herbs, concentrates and even oil and that is a feature which is hard to come across in many desktop vaporizers. You can Herbalizer desktop vaporizer for about $600. It is worth that price tag given its incredibly wonderful features.

Herbalizer Video Review - Prepare to be Blown Away

Arizer Extreme Q

Arizer Extreme Q Review
Arizer Extreme Q is priced perfectly – it is priced slightly under $250 in most vaporizer retail outlets. Its bags a stylish look and a LED display which allows for easy control of the vaporizer’s temperature settings. The vaporizer also features a fan that ensures that the quality of vape that comes out of it gets to be incredibly tasty and intensely flavored. You can even get a remote control and determine the vape quality you would like to get from Arizer Extreme Q from a distance. The vaporizer has a temperature range setting of 122F-500F, and that is an impressive design consideration given that it adds a lot of flexibility with regard to the vape intensity that can be achieved at different temperature settings.

Arizer Xtreme Q Tutorial
